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8/10   7:30 a.m.  

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 歡迎大家給我一些意見 還有甚麼沒想到!!!!

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U of Oregon默默地遺棄了我

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1.University of Oregon
Program:Arts and Administration

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

One day I opened the newspaper, just as I suspected, Britney Spears, the famous singer, appeared in the front page again. This time, she can’t stand the critical public opinion and her miserable career any more, so she shaved all of her hair and became a bald girl. I couldn’t help but wonder: Does it has any meaning to focus on a celebrity’s daily life? Why should the readers have to know about such a piece of unimportant news? The answer will be no, of course. But how does it happen? Why almost all the media tend to focus on famous people’s life? I believe the very answer is quite obvious: The public is curious about famous people’s daily life. It can make people feel getting closer to those well-known entertainers and celebrities by watching or reading these stories. However, I think this phenomenon is negative to public in a long run.

To begin with, the most attractive story of this kind of news must be scandal, such as love affairs, drug abuse, and violent events. Once the media find out those kinds of scandals, their will try everything to get the newest information and print that out. I consider the media nowadays give little thought about our children. These stories may cause negative impact on children’s mental development, and even give them chances to imitate those immoral behaviors.   

 Furthermore, I think the privacy of those famous people should be respected. Famous singers or movie stars actually don’t have the duty to share every little detail in their life with people all over the world. Privacy and basic human right are crucial not just to us, but everybody. Behind the screen, they are nothing but normal people just like you and me. I believe no one will be happy to see his or her private photos appear on the newspapers and TV news headline.

 In addition, instead of reporting celebrities’gossip, I strongly believe that the media should focus on the truly important news around the world which are really relative to our life, such as the situation of ozone depletion, the recent crackdown in Myanmar, or the news in national stock market. I’m sure these stories above are much useful than a famous singer who just shaved her hair.   


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A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? 

Deciding between supporting arts and protecting the environment must be a dilemma for many companies. Since both the choices can build the company’s own positive image, and make it become a great role model in different ways. However, in my opinion, I believe spending money on protecting the environment will be the wiser choice to make.

Due to the overdeveloping in the last few decades, water and air pollution have became serious problems all over the world. Waste and toxic air came from factories and automobiles cause terrible damage to the environment, like ozone depletion and global warming. Moreover, those fatal pollution problems also threaten humans’ health severely, especially to children and the elderly who have weaker immune system.

In addition, we should pay attention to the ecosystem. Plants, animals, and people share the same world, and depend on each other. An unhealthy environment can have harmful effects on the ecosystem. For example, if an animal eats a plant which poisoned by the pollution, the animal may die or simply extinct by the lack of food. If humans take the animal as food resource, there could be undesirable problems.

Last but not least, I believe that everybody has the responsibility to protect the environment. If we neglect this viral duty, those pollution problems will continue become worse and our children will have to suffer the bad consequences. Just consider this for a while: our offspring have to live in a world without fresh air to breathe, no clean water to drink, and live in an ecosystem lack of balance. How do they survive in the awful situation? 

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因為這是我自己寫的 絕對不會是什麼好範文= = 

What do you want most in a friend
someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice. 


As we all acknowledge, people can hardly survive all by themselves in the world. Friends enrich one’s life by showing different kinds of characteristics. These characteristics make every friend become unique and can rarely replace by others.

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chronic illness 慢性病
acute illness 急性病

tension 高血壓
hypersensitivity 過敏症

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stellar (a)星的 星球的
interstellar (a)星際的

celestial (a)天體的
terrestrial (a)地上的

sprial (a)螺旋的
elliptical (a)橢圓的
spherical (a)球狀的

manned (a)載人的

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[Geography & Geology]
permafrost (n)永久凍土層
tundra (n)凍土帶
circumpolar (a)極地附近的

taida 針葉林
savanna 美洲大草原
steppe 西伯利亞大草原
mouth 河口

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Indicate 指出
Suggest 暗示
Demonstrate 顯示
Imply 暗示
Consider 認為

agree with

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chaotic 混亂的 = tumultous 坎坷的

give off 散發出 = e'xude

ascertain 確認 = confirm

essential = indispensable

gist 精華 = essence

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這樣的小小島嶼 承載不下太多對未來的欲望

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怎麼我好像常補托福 怎麼每次都沒考


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